
From September 2024, I am a PhD student of Johan Martens at the University of Edinburgh. I was previously at the University of Heidelberg, where I completed my masters under the supervision of Florent Schaffhauser.

Right now, I am learning about nonabelian Hodge theory, Higgs bundles, and characterizations of stable vector bundles (Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem).

I am funded by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Algebra, Geometry, and Quantum Fields.

I am still improving and changing my masters thesis on canonical reductions of principal bundles, which explains how Harder-Narasimhan filtrations of vector bundles can be generalized to principal bundles.

My bachelors thesis was on the Mitchell embedding theorem, explaining how the Yoneda embedding can be used to embed certain abelian categories into module categories.

My email is E [dot] Roth [at] sms.ed.ac.uk.

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